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"Mobilizing Youth and Communities for a Brighter Future"



  • A high percentage of young people ages 18-24 are without a H.S. diploma or GED (22%)
  • Approximately one-third of the 1.6 to 3 million people homeless in the United States are children.
  • A high rate of unemployment among young people ages 20-24 years old (15.2%)
  • A high percentage of youth not enrolled in school and are not working (11%)
  • Noted (not all) marginalized groups are
    • People of color
    • Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)
    • Young Adults (ages 18-35) and youth (Ages 14-18)
    • Physically and / or mentally challenged
    • The working class and those not college educated
  • Over 800,000 people globally die due to suicide every year and there are many more who attempt suicide.
  • Suicide was the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally in 2012.
We're changing the way the world views our youth & communities


  • GCP assist our homeless youth with food, clothing, household items, toiletries, resources, referrals and mentoring / counseling and provide them with opportunities to engage in youth development activities to combat their circumstances and any potential negative outcome.

  • GCP partners and works in collaboration with schools, organizations, government, communities and individuals to empower through formal and informal education.

  • We provide opportunities for youth to be engaged in positive activities, exposure and events to provide a positive perspective.

  • We work in global  communities to provide positive programs and services to marginalized youth and communities and combat pessimistic circumstances and behaviors and provide opportunities for youth and communities to thrive. 

  • We work and engage youth globally in community service and work with underprivileged communities on development projects.

  • We advocate and promote inclusiveness to our constituents, beneficiaries and communities and combat biases, predjudice and other behaviors that result in exclusion and marginalization. 

  • Learn more regarding our work and impact by visiting OUR WORK page and by visiting our various websites for each geographic area.

Our Youth and Communities are not just statistics and numbers...


Despite the statistics and numbers, there are a myriad of Metro-Atlanta youth with talents, skills and ambition that go unrecognized due to the lack of opportunity and the social injustice that continues to marginalize them from living up to their full potential.    We are advocates on behalf of our marginalized youth and communities to provide them with the structure, opportunity, empowerment and development  that allows them to maximize their full potential for individual wellness that ultimately benefits our communities and global society.

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Global Civic Preservation
5284 Floyd Rd, Suite #966
Mableton, GA 30126
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Global Civic Preservation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Donations and gifts are deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the IRS regulations.

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